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Online Lead Forms
Online Lead Forms (formerly the Contact Us form)
Online Lead Forms (formerly the Contact Us form)
Written by Jodi Hinkle
Updated over a week ago


Online Lead forms replace the single Contact Us form and allow firms to create multiple Online Lead forms. Firms can access Online Lead forms from their computer or phone.

Having specific forms for different practice areas allows firms to collect the specific information needed from prospective clients, related to their specific matter type. Firms can also use different online lead forms to track where firm leads are coming from, to align Marketing ROI with Marketing channels.

The information provided is automatically collected and converted into a lead in a MyCase account.

Where to Find Online Lead Forms

To access Online Lead forms, navigate to Intake Forms from Settings.

  1. Select Settings

  2. Select All Settings

  3. Select Intake Forms

  1. Select Online Lead Forms

  2. To get started, you’ll find a generic Contact Us Online Lead Form in the Online Leads forms list

  3. To edit this form or any other form, click on the pencil next to the name of the Online Lead form

You can add, delete, or change field types, the same as you can for Client Intake forms. (PRO TIP: Don’t forget to save your changes!)

Creating an Online Lead Form

To create an Online Lead Form

  1. Select the Add button

  2. Select Online Lead Form

To restrict your form to a specific website or websites (an added layer of security), simply check the Require Authorized Domain box and enter the website domain where you’ll be using it (, for example)

Be sure to enter the full URL including https://www (If you do not want to add an authorized domain, you can skip this step).

  1. Give your form a name

  2. Add an optional client-facing introduction

  3. Create your form by adding or deleting Form Fields

You can create as many Online Lead forms as you’d like: perhaps one for each of your practice areas or one for each of your marketing channels to help track ROI.

Using Online Lead Forms

Once your form has been created, choose how you want to share it:

  1. Select the link icon to generate a link to the form or

  2. Get HTML code that can be embedded into websites

Approving Submitted Leads

After an Online Lead form has been submitted, a lead will be recorded in the Online Leads sub-tab within Leads.

  • Firm users can approve or delete leads.

  • Approving a lead officially creates the lead details page and potential case, attaches the intake form, and puts the lead into the first column on the lead status board.

  • Once the lead is approved, you can access the Lead details page and find it via search.

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